The ConceptI’ve been cooking seriously for about seventeen years. The thought occurred to me that many people just cook because they have to. Boy, that’s not fun! I like to eat, but I like to eat good food even more, so why not create a book that is fun to read, but will also teach some of the things I have learned that helps make good tasty meals. What this book does is give you an idea of the type of cookware you need and explanations of what some of these things are and how to use them. There is a chapter on the basic things you need to have around all the time. It will help add variety to the flavors you create, your “Pantry” as I call it. You don’t have to go out and buy a lot of exotic items. I like to keep it simple and inexpensive. Next I decided to have a chapter on techniques: how to use the tools that you have to give you the biggest bang for your buck! I watched many people cook through the years and saw the mistakes they were making. Most people just did it that way because no one ever showed them a better way. Then there are the recipes. Whenever possible, I have written a story about how the recipe came about. You won’t use them all but I bet you’ll use more from this book than from any other. Want to see one? Click Here The person that inspired me to start cooking is Graham Kerr. Yes, from the days of the "Galloping Gourmet". I asked him for permission to use a few of his recipes in the book, he said yes and even wrote a personal note in one for me. Thank you Mr. Kerr. You can find him at Good cooking, easy, and “Just Plain Yummy”. |
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